Glenmark Reduces Breast Cancer Drug Price in India

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Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Reduces Price of Breast Cancer Drug, Trumab, in India

In a significant move aimed at improving the accessibility and affordability of treatment for a certain type of cancer, Glenmark Pharmaceuticals, a leading pharmaceutical company, announced a substantial price reduction for its drug, Trumab. Effective from June 15, the price of Trumab has been reduced to Rs 35 per milligram, resulting in a 70 percent decrease in cost. The revised price for a 440 milligram vial now stands at Rs 15,749, making it a more affordable option compared to other brands in the market, which are priced between Rs 40,000 and Rs 54,000.

The decision to lower the cost of Trumab brings great potential for a significant number of self-paying patients with HER2-positive cancer, as highlighted by Alok Malik, Executive Vice President & Head of Formulations at Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Ltd. In a press release, he emphasized that this initiative not only improves availability but also inspires optimism among patients with HER2-positive cancer.

Cancer of this particular type continues to be frequently detected, comprising a significant percentage of all cancer cases. The 2020 report from the Global Cancer Observatory reveals that a large number of new cases of this cancer are identified annually. These figures, sourced from Globocan, an online database providing global cancer information, underscore the pressing requirement for treatment options that are both accessible and affordable.

HER2-positive cancer, characterized by its aggressive growth, ability to spread, and tendency to return, presents unique treatment challenges. Trumab, the breast cancer medication developed by Glenmark, successfully addresses this specific cancer subtype by specifically binding to the HER2 protein and blocking its function.

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Treatment for a certain type of cancer usually requires at least 18 cycles, which is equivalent to a year of therapy. The expenses associated with treating early-stage cancer in the breast can vary between Rs 4 lakh and Rs 5 lakh, while advanced or metastatic cases can surpass Rs 5 lakh.

Glenmark Pharmaceuticals’ choice to decrease the cost of Trumab showcases their admirable dedication to enhancing the accessibility and affordability of cancer treatment in India. This decision is anticipated to have a beneficial effect on the lives of many patients, instilling renewed optimism in their fight against this disease.

About Glenmark:

Glenmark Pharmaceuticals, founded by Gracias Saldanha in 1977, aimed to produce generic drugs and active pharmaceutical ingredients. Saldanha named the company after his two sons. Initially, Glenmark focused on distributing its products in Russia, Africa, and domestically. In 1999, the company went public in India and utilized some of the funds to establish its first research facility. In 2001, Glenn Saldanha, son of the founder, assumed the position of CEO after working at PricewaterhouseCoopers and returned to India. By 2008, Glenmark had become one of the top five pharmaceutical companies in the country.

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